Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sun crayons

People think I'm crafty but I'm not.  I used to be but that was pre-kids.  When my first 2 were younger I tried doing crafts with them.  I could never find neat things to do and if I did  find something never had the right supplies on hand. They always ended up with projects that involved coloring, cutting, and gluing.  My oldest isn't very interested in crafts but my 2nd really loves them so for her sake I should try harder in this area.  Who knows if my 3rd child likes them - he hasn't really ever gotten to do any.

I found the idea for sun crayons the other day and loved it.  All you need is broken crayons (have those!) and muffin tins ( have those too!).  Peel crayons and break into evenly sized pieces.  Put into muffin tins and set in the sun.

After it's good and melted put in refrigerator to cool and then pop out.


  1. Is it easy to clean? And what do you do with them after they are in their new form? Do you draw with them? Or are they just a pretty thing?

    1. It was not as easy to clean as I had envisioned. I put the tins in the dishwasher a couple times and then finally just used a really hot wet dishcloth to wipe out the last of the wax. The kids were saving them to use as presents for friends but did color with a few. They were fun and make neat designs. I think it works best if you have cold and warm colors mixed together. One kid had a lot of blues and greens that kindof melted together into black. And the other had more variety in her colors and it seemed to work better.
