Thursday, June 13, 2013

Baby Fog

I heard someone say once that they were coming out of "the baby fog".  I didn't have kids at the time and assumed that meant that she was finally getting sleep.  My baby is almost two years old now and after having four kids close in age I really really understand what that lady was talking about.  When you have a baby, the hormones, lack of sleep, and constant stress of taking care of that little person wears on you.  If you have a difficult baby it's even worse.  It alters your personality, your judgement, changes friendships, and you do and say things that you never would have done or said in another time.  Baby fog also affects your memory.  My sweet husband keeps trying to get me to take fish oil pills and I'm like "um no sweetie, how about instead you get up with the kids every night for years" because I think sleep will cure that.  I really hope that when I'm old and gray I will remember how difficult it is to have a baby.  I hope that when I see young families I will pray for that mom, bring them dinner, offer to babysit, give her encouragement, and not take her too personal.

I said that my baby is almost two and I can feel the fog lifting.  My kids are sleeping through the night so I'm more rested.   Physically taking care of a baby is tiring.  No exhausting.  Because you are doing it after being out of shape from being pregnant (four times right in a row), and from never getting to eat a full meal.  I'm getting past that too.  I'm in shape!  And I get to eat my food without so many interruptions I give up.  I no longer have to carry 10-30 pounds EVERYWHERE I go.  All my kids can now walk into the house from the car,  3/4ths are potty trained, I can delegate to my older kids and have more time for myself (not much as my first post on this blog was actually created in the bathroom - with kids on the other side of the door "needing" me).

I set a goal this year of reading one book a month.  After 7+ years of reading nothing but kid books I decided it was time.  There was a time when I seriously could not have told you who our vice president was.  Baby fog!!   I am so happy to say that so far this year I've read 32 books.  I had almost forgotten how much I loved to read.  I used to think "who has time to read??"  People who don't have four babies, that's who.  But now I don't either and I'm reading.  Hang in there moms!  If you have babies it's going to fly by and things will get easier!

Psalm 107:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.


  1. I'm still in the "fog", with an extra needy baby! I look forward to the time (in the next year hopefully) when I can say the fog is lifting!

  2. And then we should have a Baby Fog party!!
