The biggest thing that's helped me to get cleaning organized is to list the chores that need done and split them up between the days of the week. Dust on Mondays, mop on Tuesdays etc. I use a printable cleaning list that I found here:
Another thing that can help is to have your kids can do chores. Sometimes it's more work to have little people help but there are things they should be able to do. This list gives good ideas for age appropriate chores. My kids make their beds, set the table, unload the dishwasher, clean their rooms, and feed the dog. You can make your kids a fun chore chart, give allowance or give some kind of positive reinforcement. I use a chart with my kids that I made from excel. When they get ten star stickers they get to pick something out of the prize box. This site has lots of different charts you can make.
Scheduling – I'm not organized enough to to this but I am sure those who are get more accomplished than I do. To schedule, you plan out each hour of your day, start by keeping track for a few days and see where time wasters are. Decide on anchors for the day and fill in from there. Meal times, baby feedings, naps, bedtimes are examples of anchors -things that will stay the same every day.
Other ways to make the most of your time:
- Power clean – set a timer for 3-5 min and clean like crazy in each room
- Clean bathroom while kids are in the bathtub
- Full in/full out - make the most of your trips through the house, grab things to put away as you go. I always take out the trash around noon when our mail gets here.
- Use shower time – use sponge with cleaner to wipe down shower before you clean yourself
- Set goals for your day and make a list - sounds basic but sometimes we forget the basics. If you make a list of what you want to get done you're more likely to do it.
- Set goals for your day and make a list - sounds basic but sometimes we forget the basics. If you make a list of what you want to get done you're more likely to do it.
- Keep 1 room sacred – my kids are not allowed in my bedroom
- Color code your kids – give that color dishes etc.
- Go through house and purge – it’s easier to manage less stuff
- Figure out how you work best - take the time to figure out your strengths/weaknesses. I work best in the morning and middle of the night.
- Try to fully clean the kitchen right after dinner and start the dishwasher. Then unload before bed and you get to start the day with a clean kitchen.
- If you're up in the night with kids find something you can do. Mine are older now so if they are up at night they're usually getting a snack and don't need me holding them. While they're eating I unload the dishwasher, change over a load of laundry, or sweep.
- If you're up in the night with kids find something you can do. Mine are older now so if they are up at night they're usually getting a snack and don't need me holding them. While they're eating I unload the dishwasher, change over a load of laundry, or sweep.
This is a great post Jessie! One thing I've found that sometimes cleaning depends on your personality. For instance, I get bored doing the same thing for a long time, so I'll rotate two (or even three) things so that I'm not doing any one thing for a long time. It works for me!
I remember that about you from when you helped after one of the babies was born. :) Since I clean so different it was funny to watch you - fold a pair of socks here, then wash 3 dishes there, sweep a little here, then fold a dishtowel there.... You made me smile. :)