They say that no one knows a child better than their mother. That's bunk because I've seen lots of oblivious mothers. But a a mother Should know her child well. Getting to know your child is something you have to work at and trust God about. When I had my first child I read to her lots. I mean LOTS. She was very verbal and talked early and I thought it was because of me. Then I had my second child and read to her lots too. She was not as verbal. It was a good thing to realize that my first child did not have certain gifts because of me. She had them because God created her that way. It's my job as a mom to recognize my kids gifts and encourage (push?) them in that direction. My mom was wonderful at this. If she thought I might be good at drawing, she bought me drawing books. If I showed interest in horses I got riding lessons which she figured out how to pay for in a creative way. What is your child good at or what are they interested in? How can you help them?
This is a good book. It talks about the different types of temperaments and helps understand your child's personality type.
This is another good book that talks about the different ways kids give/receive love.
If we continually treat our kids like someone they are not, we cause stress. The Bible tells us not to do that.
Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
God chose you to be their mother and that's a big job. Help them to be who God would have them to be and when you are old may Proverbs 31:28 be fitting:
Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
her husband also, and he praises her:
Great post Jessie! (And you can alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen when kids have a high fever.) :)
Yes I know that. :) It's just nice to have a longer stretch of sleep before you need to wake up and deal with a sick kid. And thanks!