Friday, May 16, 2014

Enough with the Frozen Songs!

My kids have been singing the songs from “Frozen” nonstop.  We own the movie but have only watched it a few times and yet they know every single word to all the songs.  For me this is such a good reminder how much sinks into those little minds.  Our children grow up so quickly.  Right now they are excited to learn about God but it’s not always going to be this way.  This is the perfect time to be filling up their minds with Godly things.  There’s nothing wrong with Disney songs but there are better things they could use their mental energy on.

One of my most favorite resources for doing this are cd’s that are just Bible verses to music.  Two of the cd’s we like most are “Hide ‘em In My Heart” volumes 1 and 2.  I also love Seeds Family Worship cd’s.  Their website has seven volumes of cd’s.  These are really great because they come with one to keep and one to share.  I love sharing!  Memorizing verses is such an important discipline for any believer and the younger you start with your kids the easier it is.  For kids who can’t read, verses  to music is one of the easiest ways for you to help them memorize scripture.  What you think about affects you.  It influences the decisions you make, the words you say…  I love having verses running through my head.   And I like how it changes the tone of our home.

Some of my favorite movies for my children are the Superbook movies.  Did you watch these as a kid?  A young boy and girl go back in time with a robot and learn from a Bible story.  These movies are being remade and the quality is so good.  The music is good and the lessons from the stories are good too.  When you sign up for the dvd club these come to you in the mail and come with one to watch and one to share.  I love that!  I’ve been told that they have phone apps with study tools to use with your kids too.  I haven’t tried those but it sounds like another good teaching resource.

I think church history is important and have a strong desire for my children to know about Godly heroes.  There’s a lot to be learned from these people.  Part of our homeschool year has been reading biographies  and so far have made it through George Muiller, William Carey, and Hudson Taylor.  We are currently reading about Gladys Alward.  I love YWAM publishing’s series called Christian Hero’s: Then and Now and that's where I got the books we've been reading.  This company has several different reading levels and there's also a history curriculum you can use if you homeschool.

Another dvd series I’ve used with my kids is by Torchlighters.  They have twelve movies about different missionaries and Godly people in history.  These are for older children.  Our favorites have been about Jim Elliott, Gladys Alward, Corrie Ten Boom, and William Booth.

My older two girls share a room and the other night at bedtime the oldest was telling me her worries.  There were a LOT of them.  I told her that God tells us not to worry and there are lots of verses in the Bible about it. I fumbled around trying to remember one and her sister said "Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough trouble of it's own" (that's Matthew 6:34). Made my mama heart happy to see some of the fruit of my labors.  When our kids are saved they don't receive a child sized portion of the Holy Spirit.  They get the full sha-bang like we do and the Holy Spirit is working in them.  When we help them to memorize verses it's in there for the Holy Spirit to bring to their little minds at just the perfect time.  It will be helpful to them and a blessing to those around them, just like it was that night.  The things we do with our kids do not have to be solely about God, but nothing will reap the rewards like when we choose Godly resources instead.

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

What can you do to help your children learn God's Word today?  

Friday, May 9, 2014

Things I learned from Cubbies

This year I was the director of Cubbies in our church's Awana program and it was such a good year.  These are just a few of the things that I learned.

Kids act different for adults other than their parents.  I am a prime example of this.  As a child I rarely got in trouble from my parents.  I behaved and obeyed them most of the time.  I did not act this way for everyone though.  I have one piano teacher that I remember being horrible to and I'm sure my sweet mom never knew.  It was really nice that for my first year of doing this, I knew almost all of the kids in our class.  It helped that I knew the different things some parents were struggling with.  But some of those kids who were really a challenge for their parents were the sweetest Cubbies we had.  Others, who I knew to be so sweet at home, did not behave and obey in class.  Kids act different when their parents aren't around.  Don't just assume you know how your child is acting. 

God doesn't call you to something without giving you a heart for it.    Never say never I guess, but God doesn't usually ask you do to something that you have absolutely no interest in.  If He calls you to be a worship pastor, He'll give you a love of music.  If He asks you to become a missionary, you'll have some interest in other cultures.  If He asks you to teach Sunday School, you'll probably like kids.  If you feel God calling you to do something you don't want to do, pray about it and I'm guessing He'll change your heart.  Also, if you’re not involved in any ministries, think through what your interests are.  Is there a way that you could use that for God?

When God asks you to do something He'll equip you for it.  I was a leader in Cubbies for three years.  During those years, I wasn't planning on becoming the director but I couldn't have done it without that time of learning.  Sometimes you don’t even know God is equipping you.  My brother works at a prison for boys.  When he was young he was in 4-H and it’s something my mom really felt like he needed to do.  I wasn’t in 4-H.  She didn’t have that same urging for me.  My brother recently started the first ever 4-H Club in a youth correctional facility and he couldn’t have done that if he didn’t have his own experiences with the program to know how it worked.  These boys are learning skills and it’s been a good thing!  And praise the Lord we had a mom who was listening to the Holy Spirit.

Ministry is a sacrifice.  I had to make choices and adjust family things this year and it wasn't easy.  It meant I had to say “no” to some things.  Some good things.  I couldn't have done it if I hadn't adjusted the rest of life because we just can't do it all.  When we do what God asks us to do it will be worth it though.  My kids learned a lot from watching me.  They helped set up our room each week and they were involved in the planning and the lessons.  In helping me prepare for our Easter lesson my four year old asked Jesus to come into his heart.  Praise the Lord!

You will grow when working in ministry.  Ask anyone who’s gone on a mission’s trip and they’ll tell you they were the ones who grew and learned from their experience.  This year as I was teaching those sweet little people, I learned my Bible better.  Through the planning and preparation for lessons I studied my Bible, prayed and I memorized lots of verses.  Good things!  

God doesn’t do things like we do.  I had certain things in mind for the year that didn’t work out how I had planned them.  God’s ways are better though.  Often I find myself praying that things will go smoothly but that’s not how God works.  And that’s not a very mature way to pray.  If everything is smooth and easy we take the credit.  Any ministry where people are getting all the credit isn’t going to be fully blessed by God.  He wants the glory. 

Working for the Lord invites enemy attack.  I have never gone through as much spiritual warfare as I went through this year.  It was a lonely and stressful year in many ways.  The enemy doesn’t want us learning, growing, and serving God.  When we’re doing those things, we can expect enemy activity.  You could take it as a sign that you’re on the right track.  Do you know how the enemy attacks you personally? Knowing how can help you prepare for when it happens.  Does he plant seeds of doubt or anxiety? Do you get physically sick? Do you have to deal your thought life being invaded with lustful, bitter, or negative thoughts? Do thoughts of the sins in your past keep harassing you?  Filling your mind with Godly things helps push the enemy back.  Read your Bible!  Have Christian music playing in your home, car, and ipod.  I especially love music that is just Bible verses to music.  Our kids have several cd’s like that and I feel like it adds a protective “covering” to our home.  It replaces those lies the enemy is trying to tell us with the truth of God’s word. 

 Every child is precious.  Some may be stinkers but every one is precious.  We had such a sweet group of kids and it was a joy to get to spend time with them each week.  The parents of these kids were a wonderful bunch too and they worked so hard.  They brought snacks, helped prep crafts, filled in for leaders, and they spent lots of time helping their kids memorize verses.  I wish every child was as lucky as these little people are.  Every child deserves to have parents who take such good care of them because every child is precious to God.

Matthew 19:14
but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Water sinks to it's own level

Have you heard that saying?  I used to hear it a lot growing up.  My parents own a well drilling business and my mom grew up on a farm so I know that lots of lessons can be learned from water.  Literally that saying means that no matter what size or shape of a container, water will always be level on the surface. Figuratively, it means that people will always seek out where they are most comfortable.

I guess I probably knew this, but was recently reminded that some people change their behavior when they're around me.  I could find that annoying or could let it hurt my feelings but I'm choosing to take it as a compliment (at least for that incident).  Do you have people in your life that clean up their behavior when they're around you?  I heard a story of something that happened to someone and then later heard the other version of the story.  I had gotten the cleaned up version.  I'm glad.  Do people stop cussing and telling dirty jokes when you're around?  (The saying "you kiss your grandma with that mouth?" comes to mind.)  Do they put their inappropriate ring tones on silent?  Do they save that gossip for later when you've left?  If so then good for you - people know what you're all about!  Or is it the other way around?  Are they changing their behavior for the worse?  Do people save those dirty jokes for you because they know you'd appreciate it?  Do they call you with the gossip because they know you'd want to hear it?  What kind of behavior do you bring out in other people?

When Jesus walked into a room I think people probably acted differently.  When you have Jesus and walk into a room, people should correspondingly act different.  Your relationship with Him is not meant to be private.  People should know about it and act differently when they are around you.

Yesterday I posted about not complaining and venting on facebook.  I think I do a pretty good job of that but I can't say the same for my spoken words.  I complain too much.  And complainers seek out complainers.  I know which friends I can complain to and which ones I can't.  Shame on me.  I shouldn't be doing it at all!  It's so easy to let those closest to us know what we're really thinking but unless it's going to be useful, beneficial and helpful it'd probably be better to just keep it to ourselves.  Something for me to work on.  

Lots of verses talk about our words.  This passage in James 3:3-12 convicting.  As you go through today think about your words and what you are bringing out in others.  Do people seek you out to gossip and complain?  Friends, this should not be.  We should be bringing out the best in those around us.  And just like the words in our facebook posts, our spoken words are important too.  

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Ephesians 5:4
Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking,which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.

I think that says it pretty plainly.  Proverbs has lots of verses about our words too.  

Proverbs 17:27
Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.

Proverbs 29:20
Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

And I love this one.

Proverbs 16:24
Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

What are your words saying about you today? 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Oh be careful little hands what you type....

Do you have the Sunday School song "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes" in your head?  That's what I was going for.  :)  

Anyways, facebook is kindof a big deal.  I think I know about two people who don't use it.  I like it because I live far away from family and from many of my closest friends.  It's an easy way to stay connected with those people.  I also like it because I'm a stay-at-home mom and it's my portal to another world.  The world outside this house.

While it's a wonderful site for many reasons, and while it really feels like we're connecting with people, when you put something in writing it's different than having a conversation.  You can't see the person's facial expressions as they typed their update.  You can't hear the tone of their voice or see the emotions they have while responding.  It's so easy to be misunderstood, especially by people you don't know very well.  And most of us have facebook friends that we don't actually know very well.  When you put something in writing it can be read, and reread, and reread, passed around, and reread.  It's easier to forget the details of a spoken conversation.  

When you say something on facebook, it's not between one or two people like it would have been in a face to face conversation.  It's like standing onstage in a room full of three hundred people.  Some people are in the back and not really paying attention, but quite a few are right up front and probably are.  And every time one of those three hundred people responds to you, their three hundred friends can "hear" what you said too.  If we thought about that before typing on facebook I think there would be less typing on facebook.

What do your posts say about you?  They probably give clues about your interests.  Anyone reading my status updates would figure out that I've got children, that we homeschool, and that I love hymns.  Our posts also show our heart just like spoken words would.

Philippians 4:8 says this: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Our posts on facebook end up being things that others think about.  What is a serious responsibility we have!!  Especially as believers.  What kinds of thoughts are you leaving with others?  For example, I really REALLY don't like it when people use LMAO or LMFAO in a response or post.  I don't want the words that those A's and F's stand for bouncing around in my brain and every time I see it it makes me angry.  If that person was standing in front of me actually saying those words, my mama reflex would tell them to watch their mouth.  I may actually forget myself and smack them!

Are you guilty of venting about things or complaining about something you don't like?  I'm sure we all are, but if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it (or type it).  Lemme say that again.  IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY IT.  That is such an easy rule to follow if you are struggling about something you want to post.  (And maybe a gentle reminder if you aren't struggling and feel very free to vent and complain.)  As you go about your facebooking day, think about what you post.  It is true?  Is it noble? It is right or pure? Is it lovely or admirable?  Is it excellent or praiseworthy?  If it isn't, think twice about posting it.  If it isn't, what good can come of it??  Other people's thoughts are going to be affected by what you post so take that seriously.  There will be a lot of people who read your posts and don't "like" them or comment on them but are still thinking about what you wrote.  They may watch a show that you mentioned or read a book you talked about.  They may try a recipe you posted and you will never know that they did those things because of you.  

A while back a friend complained about something and I had it on my brain all day.  Before I knew it, I was all worked up and crabby over it too and it wasn't even something that had happened to me.  I don't want the things I write about to have that affect on people.  I want the things I share to be uplifting and encouraging. I want to bring out the best in people.  I want to leave people with something to smile about or be thankful for.  I want to be a peacemaker and I want to point people towards the Heavenly Father.  In the past I was a big 'ol venter on facebook and I sadly regret it.  I wish I could take back those words.  I also wish that I was as good at that "only say nice things" rule in face to face conversations as I try to be in the written ones.  Something to work on.  For now I'll leave you with this:

Luke 6:45
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

Monday, May 5, 2014

God doesn't need our help

I think that one of most sad stories in the Bible is the story of Jacob and Esau.  When God told Rebekah that she was pregnant with twins, He said that the older would serve the younger.  Esau was the older twin and years later when Rebekah saw that her husband Isaac was going to give him his blessing (which was rightly his) she panicked and remembered what God had said.  Instead of waiting on the Lord though she took matters into her own hands.  She manipulated and lied and got what she wanted.   Jacob received the blessing, but at such a high cost.  In Esau's anger he threatened to kill Jacob.  Jacob fled for his life and Rebekah never saw him again. 

That alone is enough to make my mama heart ache.  Jacob was her favorite.  He was her precious son.  She knew that God had something big planned for him (He had told her so!) but she didn't wait on the Lord.  She didn't pray about it or talk to her husband and because of her sin she never saw him again.  I have a son who is precious to me.  I can't imagine never seeing him again and even worse, it being my own fault. 

To me, the second very sad thing about this story is that she destroyed the relationship between her two sons.  She played favorites and that's not ok.  It is completely normal to have more in common with one child over the other.  It's not ok though, to give to one at the expense of the other.  Every child deserves to have a mom that they can trust with their whole heart.  Can your child trust that you love them unconditionally and only have their best interests in mind?  It seems so basic but I know a lot of people who do not have that kind of mother.

Part of my job as a mom is to see that my kids are friends and that can't happen if I'm playing favorites.  The health of my family tree depends on my children being close.  Generations of people will be affected by my kids’ relationships with each other.  Do you ever think of your job as a mom affecting that many people?  Because it does.  Rebekah wronged her son Esau.  She drove a wedge between her sons and because of it their decedents became bitter enemies.  The thought that my children might not be close, let alone be enemies, is another thing that makes my mama heart ache.  Oh how I want my kids to be close.  I want my grandkids to have cousins they are friends with.  I want the network of aunts, uncles, and extended family that each of my kids creates to be a blessing and source of security to one another.   I can't imagine how awful it would be if my sin caused a split in the family tree.

Another sad thing about this story is that Rebekah and Isaac's relationship must have been affected.  The Bible story doesn't talk about this aspect of things but can you imagine how Isaac must have felt to have his wife manipulate like this?  That alone would hurt but to have the manipulation end so badly only made it worse.  There are always consequences to sin and the people closest to us get to pay the price along with us.  If you're married that means your spouse.   Isaac was tricked and missed out on years and years of Jacob's life, all because of his wife's sin. 

This whole story just makes my heart ache.  Maybe because I can so easily see myself doing something like this.  I'm a doer.  It is so easy to think you know God's plans and then jump ahead before waiting on Him for direction.  We know that God is God but how often do we try and help Him out?  It's a good thing to remember that He doesn't need us in order to accomplish His will.  He doesn't need our money or our gifts and abilities in order to work out His plans.  He doesn't need us.  He wants us though.  He wants obedient followers.  People who will wait on Him for direction and see His will.  We were created for His glory.  We were not created because He needed our help.  God had a plan for Jacob's life and he didn't need Rebekah to work out that plan.  God is good though.  Jacob and Esau were reconciled.  Genesis 33:4 But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him.  And they wept.

Do you have something that you are trying to "help" God with?  Stop before you cause more harm than good.  Seek God's plan and wait on His timing.