The kids are older now and half of them can read themselves but I'm still working on this. Bedtime is the traditional time to read to kids but since I've got four kids close in age and am often putting them to bed by myself that just doesn't always work. We read a little then but I just don't have time for much. And truthfully, by the end of the day I'm usually so tired I just wanna shove them all in their rooms and shut the doors quick.
I'm better at getting things done if it's on the calendar or if I set a specific time/day to do it. I started reading to my kids at breakfast and this time with them has been so special. It's forced me to stop moving and just sit with my kids. We've had conversations that I otherwise would've missed out on. I love watching their interactions with each other as well. And even though most of the books are over #3's head, he still hears everything and is paying more attention than I realize. The other day he pointed out something his sister was doing that was not being a peacemaker. (leave it to the little brother to point that out) I can't remember which book this was in but I was so surprised that he'd understood that concept.
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
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