Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wear your diamonds!

Have you ever looked up and realized that it's been over a week since your kids had a bath?  You have no idea when anyone's teeth got brushed last, you don't remember the last time you actually cooked (didn't just make quesadillas or frozen waffles), and you've been in your yoga pants for who knows how long?  Sometimes being a mom is about just surviving.  I think my kids are getting to the age where things are getting easier but there will still be seasons to just get through.  Like this month.  Oh my word this month!  Three of our kids have birthdays this month.  We started school, my husband and I celebrate our thirteenth anniversary, our cat is getting spayed, I've had three dentist appointments, we start Awana (I'm the Cubbies director this year) and between my husband and I we've had at least five meetings.  We've also had people over for dinner twice and had play dates with friends.  Two of my kids are in gymnastics and the other has piano.  Most of those things were very fun so I'm glad for them but sometimes life is about surviving it.

And sometimes, while we're just surviving it we should put on our diamonds.  It's easy to get so busy "doing" and forget to do fun things like that.  Because I'm a stay-at-home mom, most of my "doing" is at home. I'm not being lazy if I wear yoga pants day after day - it kinda makes more sense when I'm cleaning my house or weeding the garden.  But sometimes it feels good to put on your diamonds.  Or your cute boots.  I love boots.  I own many pairs - black, brown, tall, taller, short, spiky heals, no heals - but I rarely get to wear them.  Even though we are crazy busy I am usually at home and I'm not being lazy in my dress, I'm just being practical.  It wouldn't make sense to wear some clothes when muddy kids could ruin them.

It's nice to have to things to look forward to while you're surviving a phase.  It might be your diamonds or boots, or it might be ice cream or a margarita after the kids in bed.  What do you enjoy doing?  Do you even remember?  Being able to look forward to reading, running, scrapbooking, or some other hobby might keep you sane.  Maybe it's your favorite show with your husband or maybe even canoodling!!  (There could be a WHOLE other post on canoodling)  When you're frustrated or feeling blue, try to give yourself something to look forward to.  Go canoodle.  Put on your diamonds.  Life is hard but it might be more fun that way.  :)

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