Saturday, July 13, 2013

Making Memories

Money is tight for everyone I know and we are no exception.  I can't wait for the day when I don't have to agonize over a five dollar item at Costco wondering if it'll put me over.  There are so many things I wish we could do with our kids - trips to Disneyland or the coast, fun outings at Skywalk and Chuck E Cheese.  We recently went to the circus and that was a biggie for us because we don't do things that spendy very often.  It was our third child's first time and was so much fun.

There are lots of things that we can do with our kids that don't take a lot of money.  Or any money. Creating memories doesn't have to be expensive.  There's nothing wrong with the expensive things but if the money isn't there, I need to learn to be content and do what I can do.  One of my kids favorite things is a family game night.  We haven't done it in a long time and we really should do it soon.  I try to make a big deal of it and let them look forward to it all day - make popcorn, and get a special drink.  Some of our favorite games are Mickey Mouse Yahtzee, Chutes and Ladders, Old Maid, and Uno.  Our kids also love "pajama jumps".  We have a trampoline and sometimes my husband and I go out and jump with the kids for a little while after they've gotten their pajamas on.  Here are a few of the other things that we do sometimes or have done in the past that don't involve TV:
  • flashlight walk - go for a walk after dark with flashlights, this is especially fun during Christmas when everyone's lights are up
  • flashlight hide-n-seek - go outside after dark and play hide and seek with flashlights, the person hiding shuts off their light while they are being looked for
  • camp in the yard
  • sleep on the trampoline
  • make s'mores at the fire pit
  • go to the library and pick out books
  • go to the zoo - we have an annual membership that is very reasonable
  • go to the play area at the mall
  • let the kids exercise with you - my oldest especially loves to exercise with us.  This isn't my favotie - I'd rather be alone when I exercise but the kids sure love it.
  • bake cookies - my kids love this but I have a hard time with little helpers in the kitchen.  It's a skill they need to learn though so I need to let them help more often.
  • get in the kiddie pool with them - there may not be room for anyone to swim but my kids sure love it when we get in with them
  • play baseball or soccer - I'm sure any sport will do but these are the ones we've played with our kids
  • turn on Pandora and dance
  • color or play play dough with
  • go to the park or on a walk around town

My mom was good at making holidays special and that's where my best childhood memories are from.  She planned ahead and worked at making the holiday about the kids having fun.  Sometimes as a grownup I need to remind myself that the holiday isn't for me or about me having a great day.  Holidays are a lot of work and I'd be happy skipping half of them because I don't need more to do.  Making memories for the kids is what my goal needs to be.  If I can keep things simple, plan ahead, and delegate it will make the day less stressful for me (and then more fun for everyone else).  Hmm...I think I need to start working on a post about holidays....

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