Friday, October 11, 2013

You know you're old when...

I just had a birthday and I am usually fine with this aging process.  Sometimes I feel old though.  In thinking through it I made a list that maybe you can relate to.  You know you're old when:

1.  You forget how old you are.  Who does that?  Old people!
2.  6:30am is really sleeping in and going to bed at 9pm is a treat.
3.  Your texts have to have proper punctuation.
4.  And because of that your texts are really long.  Like an email long.  They end up being 6 or 7 messages in someone's inbox.
5.  You have ever worried about smooshing the bread.  Why is it that the bread is the first thing you come to at the store?  So then you have to spend the entire shopping trip rearranging it in the cart and moving it to the top?
6.  You have ever had to increase the font size on your computer screen so you can stop squinting.
7.  P.J.'s and workout clothes are fairly interchangeable.  (Maybe that's a stay-at-home mom thing.)  I recently did this and ended up at Starbucks quite obviously in my jammies. Darn it.
8.  You are older than your dentist or doctor.  Don't they have to go to school for a really long time?  How is it possible that I am older than they are?
9.  You usually pull out the occasional gray hair but are starting to get too many for that to be wise.
10.  You vaguely remember things.  You have a vague memory of where you put something or some conversation and those "Aha!" moments of remembering are more subtle now.
11.  You retell stories.  Maybe over and over.  And forget who you told things to.
12.  Your bladder is an organ you are very much aware of.  Nuff said.
13.  You have strong opinions about the "paper or plastic" question.
14.  You have "next day" hurts after you do things like play soccer with your kids or teach them how to do cartwheels.
15.  You used to love blended margaritas but for the sake of time will now settle for one with sonic ice.  Or no ice at all.

Do you have older people in your life that are hard to be around?  I think everyone probably does and I have a fear of turning into one of those.  I don't want to be a bitter crabby old lady that people have to pray for wisdom and patience to be around.  Maybe you are lucky enough to have a wonderful elderly person in your life.  Those people are such a special treasure (the wonderful ones not the crabby ones).  Nothing can replace the wisdom they have from their years experience.  Did you know that the Bible doesn't ever talk about retiring?  Retiring from ministry I mean.  And did you know that you are not only created for a purpose, but you are the only one who has the ministry reach that you do?  Each one of us was created with special gifts and abilities and has a unique reach for being able to minister to certain people in our lives.  The people I am able to reach is different than the people you are able to reach.  We know different people for starters but God gave you and I different strengths for ministry and different interests.

Are you using your gifts and abilities for the Lord?  That's why He gave them to you, you know.  Sometimes God asks us to do things that we really don't want to do, but often He uses things that we're interested in.  He gives us a heart for the ministry He'd like to see us in.  Do you like kids?  There is always a need for help in children's ministry.  Do you like to bake, take pictures, or write letters?  There are ministry opportunities there too.  Are you good with computers, know how to cut hair, or love to read?  Do you have professional training of some sort - accounting, legal, teaching, music?  Are you crafty?  Like to write?  God wants to use it!

1 Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

Crabby, hard to be around people are usually very self focused.  One way to combat that is to get involved in ministry.  Find a place to serve.  Pray about it!  God will lead you to where He wants you to be.  And if you are a parent don't forget that those little people in your charge are watching and learning from everything you do.  Involve your kids in what you're doing.  Take your kids along when your church has a work day, when you take dinner to someone, or when you're setting up for Cubbies.  My older girls especially have been watching as I prepare for Awana each week and it's a good thing!  They are joining us for prayer before club starts, helping me set out chairs, sweeping the room when it's done, and being a big help in their own Sparks groups.  My oldest is working hard at helping a little girl in her group that doesn't speak very much English and I'm so thankful for that!  God uses little people too and He gave your kids different gifts and abilities.

If you aren't sure where to get started, pray about it.  Ask at your church where you can help.  And pray about it!  Don't feel like you have the time?  Pray about that too.  It's amazing how God can give gifts of time.  Nervous about it?  That's ok too.  God will help you.

1 Thessalonian 5:24
The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.

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