Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Let your kids amaze you

I have been crabby with my kids lately.  I hate that.  It has nothing to do with them - just busy "grown up" stuff - but they are the ones feeling it.  I was reminded from our Cubbies lesson last week how precious children are to God.  If you have kids they are a precious gift that we should be so thankful for.  This morning I walked through a big pee puddle barefoot because someone completely missed the potty.  It wasn't at the front of my mind then, what a gift that kid is to me.  We just had a battle to the death (or the nap) with our two year old, over eating her lunch and that didn't feel like a gift.  Two kids just got in a fight over having to share the "dancing space" in the living room and that didn't feel like a gift.  But those little people are.  And they need me.  They need me to love them unconditionally - through the pee puddles, and the lunch battles, and the dancing drama.

It seems like loving unconditionally should come easy to a mom but it doesn't always.  It's easier to give love when they are being good and obeying.  It's easier when I'm happy and getting my way and not walking through pee puddles.  But loving unconditionally means that no matter what is done you will love them through it.  That doesn't mean just the big stuff it means the little things too.  Putting down the phone, turning away from the computer and actually looking at them when they're trying to tell you something.  Remembering to hug and snuggle the seven year old and not just the baby.  Putting aside your own mental "stuff" when they climb in the car after school and want to tell you about their day.  These childhood years go by so quickly and before long they aren't going to want to tell you everything.  If you're not listening, eventually they'll quit trying to tell you things.

I recently realized that my five year old was reading "Charlotte's Web".  She loves piggies and found the book in our school cupboard.  I also found out that she can hula hoop for over two minutes while carrying on a conversation and walking around!  During my last exercise work out she did 109 step ups while holding five pounds.  She's also good at soccer, good at school, and can draw all sorts of animals.

I get so busy sometimes I forget to let my kids amaze me.  And when you have more than one kid it's hard to find one-on-one time where you would be paying attention to these sorts of things.  It was fun to find out all those things about my five year old.  I wish I'd been paying more attention though so I wasn't "finding out" anything.  There are so many blogs and reminders lately about this - spending more time with your kids, enjoying their little kid moments etc.  It's so hard to do though when you're just trying to survive your days.  When you're struggling, pray about it.  Pray that God would help you enjoy your kids.  He is so faithful to answer our prayers and can give us time and opportunities that we couldn't get by ourselves.

1 Thessalonians 5:24
The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.

The One who called you to motherhood is faithful.  He will help you - just ask!  Ask that He'll let you be amazed by your kids today and see if you learn anything new.

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