Monday, June 22, 2015

The Battle Within

I love taking personality tests and always find that I have a pretty even mix of introvert and extrovert qualities.  Sometimes it feels like the introvert and extrovert in me are doing battle.  Who's going to win today?

Some days in the grocery store I feel like ducking behind the plants and rushing through the self checkout.  Other times I get teary with the checker as we catch up.

Both introverts and extroverts have really neat qualities that God can use.  I tend to forget the neat qualities of introverts though.  I feel guilty about the things that stress this 1/2 introvert out, and I forget to about the ways God can use that part of me.  I found this post and thought it was such a good read.  (I haven't looked around on the site and can't vouch for anything else there, but did like this post.)

So who am I going to be today?  I hope whoever God is asking me to be.